What people will do to brake a record.

NEW YORK (AP) - Take a deep breath. David Blaine's latest stunt is spending a week living in an acrylic sphere filled with water.
Stunt artist David Blaine, immersed in an 8-foot sphere filled with water, waves to visitors observing his latest stunt, which is spending a week living in the sphere, in the plaza of New York's Lincoln Center, Monday. (AP Photo/Richard Drew) The 33-year-old magician, shirtless and with an oxygen tube in his mouth, slid into his snow globe-like "human aquarium" Monday at Lincoln Center. In a week, he will remove the device and attempt to hold his breath underwater longer than the record of eight minutes, 58 seconds.
He also will try to escape from 68 kilograms of chains and handcuffs during the breath-holding finale, which will air live in a two-hour ABC special, David Blaine: Drowned Alive, on May 8 (8 p.m. EDT).
"As a kid, I always was obsessed with Houdini," Blaine explained Monday.
"I don't think about death, but I am prepared for it," he said, adding that his only fear is "the fear of the unknown."
Blaine said he started training in December, with some help from U.S. Navy SEALS. He lost 50 pounds so his body would require less oxygen.
The water in the sphere will be kept at a balanced temperature to help keep his core temperature near 37 C. His gear includes a diving helmet that allows two-way communication with his support team.
Blaine invites visitors to stop by and wave at him. The water should be nice and clear; he will be fed and, uh, relieve himself by tubes.
His previous feats of endurance include balancing on a small platform for 35 hours, being buried alive in a see-through coffin for a week and surviving inside a massive block of ice for 61 hours. In 2003, he fasted for 44 days in a suspended acrylic box over the Thames River in London.
The is what happened in the end.
NEW YORK (AP) - David Blaine was unconscious and having convulsions when he was rescued from his 2.4-metre aquarium during a breath-holding stunt, his trainer said Tuesday.
Divers bring David Blaine to the surface out of the sphere at the seven minute, eight second mark. (AP Photo/Stuart Ramson) "I wasn't focused on records; I was thinking of a rescue," said trainer Kirk Krack, a free-diving expert. Blaine was convulsing and "unconscious when we brought him to the surface. If we hadn't intervened, he would still be at the bottom of the sphere doing a breath-hold."
The 33-year-old illusionist had been submerged in the aquarium with an oxygen mask for a week. Rescue divers jumped into the 7,500-litre saltwater tank Monday night and hauled him up.
He was rescued as he struggled to break a breath-holding record of eight minutes, 58 seconds. Blaine, who had spent some 177 hours underwater, went without air for seven minutes, eight seconds as a finale to his endurance stunt at Lincoln Center, which was televised live on ABC.
Blaine checked himself out of Roosevelt Hospital on Tuesday. Friends took him out of the hospital in a wheelchair and then helped him walk to a waiting car.
At home, he took a hot shower, played cards and was able to eat.
But "he was crying" Monday night, said Dr. Murat Gunel, the head of Blaine's medical team. "He still feels today that he let people down."
Blaine's liver and kidney functions had suffered while he was submerged but are now improving. His skin, which was peeling Monday night, "looks much better today," said Gunel.
His team concluded that strenuous training and losing 50 pounds so his body would require less oxygen left Blaine too tired before he entered the sphere.
They said Blaine wants to try the breath-holding stunt again. Next time, he plans to be in better shape, and do it without being in a tank for a week beforehand.
"He is going over everything he did and analyzing what happened," said Gunel, associate professor of neurosurgery at Yale University School of Medicine. "He is remarkably strong."
"I think he was a great success," said Krack, adding there are only a handful of people who can hold their breath for more than four minutes with training.
Blaine started training in December, with some help from Navy SEALS. The water temperature was regulated to help keep his core temperature near 37 C, and he ate and relieved himself through tubes.
His previous feats included balancing on a 55-centimetre circular platform atop a 30-metre pole for 35 hours, being buried alive in a see-through coffin for a week and surviving inside a massive block of ice for 61 hours, all of which were performed in New York. In 2003, he fasted for 44 days in a suspended acrylic box over the Thames River in London.
Wow um kinda stupid!!
What a looser...
lol no kidding...talk about pointless
kinda |<()()|_ that he can hold his breath that long, though :P
I couldn't believe it when i heard it on the news, it is soo stupid!!!!!!!!!
Like, does he really have nothing better to do?
I guess not :-P
I would really like to know what exactly he's trying to prove.
that he can break a record. :-)
I mean wouldn't you die to break a record? :-P Some people are so stupid...
what an idiot.... :)
ya tell me bout it!!!
Ya have to think what these people think about dieing.
Like he says i "I don't think about death, but I am prepared for it,"
He so is not!!!
man he's stupid. what was he thinking when he decided to do that stunt. talk about being STUPID
Another record, I saw the movie where he broke the previous record for being under water.
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