Frog guts
Hey every one
Guess what Mom left this morning and told us kids to dissect a frog!!!!! (Note: Mom left!!!! )
was soooo much fun
Want to do it online and not touch the poor dead froggy... go to

Guess what Mom left this morning and told us kids to dissect a frog!!!!! (Note: Mom left!!!! )
was soooo much fun
Want to do it online and not touch the poor dead froggy... go to

That was like Schweetly fun eh yvonne:)
awesome picture btw:P
Okay so you actually dissected that thing??
I had no idea you were like that.
It's fake right?
lol, u don't beleive her?????
WOW!!! and yea Mike she is like that......................some of the time:D
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwi can't believe u did that that is so gross even if i tried to do it i would be upcuckin all over
LOL Yess Mel and Miky i did do it like for real real!!!!!
It was really cool!!!!
You should try it!!!!!!
Manda I can bring one with me next time i come and you can do it with me ok????? luv ya
Okay now that I know that it was like preserved...:-P
That's not the same. :-)
Very cool though...Janelle next time I see you we're going to do it on a live one ;-)
How can a frog live through that?
What i meant was we get the frog, we kill it.
Oh wow. That was um... Gross.
That is a cruel way to kill a frog. Why don't you just shoot with a shotgun and end its life quickly.
umm b/c if u use a shot gun i think there will be nuttin left lol
and umm yvonne pplleeaassee don't bring one with ya it would be much appreciated LOl
lol I laughed pretty hard reading all those comments.
But then again I'm tired so everything is funny.
Lol! Some people are just wimpy... It's a frog... That looks awesome!
Have I told anyone about the time my grandparents took my mom and my uncles to a cottage, and my mom and my uncle went frog hunting. They found alot, and cut the legs off and fried them up. My grandmother went out to put something in the compost bin, and she found a swarm of half frogs hopping around on their front legs :D
lol, hahaha thats awesome aaron :P
was she impressed???
They probably weren't hopping, They use their back legs for that and you removed that from them. Crawling coulkd be a better term.
Yvonne, I love that site-that's cool!
I did a pig once...that was cool. But at least I had gloves!!!!
I remember you telling us that story Aaron, thats funny.
I've dissected a cow's eyeball a couple times =)
Don't you think amputating frog legs for giggles is a teensy bit sadistic? Just wondering about your ethics Aaron.
Yvonne, you are indeed incredibly brave to have not only dissected that frog, but also...enjoyed it. :)
COOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!!!!!I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna...
YOUR SICK!!!!!!!!
dissecting fetal pigs is better ;)
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