Awesome weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got to the cottage just after12pm.
When we got there we unpack and setup and stuff like that then went fishing and hung out with the kids. Had hamburgers for supper then the girls and mom and dad watch Cheaper by the dozen 2. Jeff and me when fishing, I think Jeff got a fish. Went to bed.
Got up at 7ish on Saturday ( Ya crazy I no) Went to Bracebridge for breakfast we had Timmys!!!! Then went to Jeff’s cousins Opa's cottage were all Jeff’s friends were. It was a lot of fun. We got there and they were just eating after we cleaned up and got changed in our bathing suits and the guys Jer went wake boarding. He is good. Then I got to go out on the board. Man looks a lot harder then it is the first time but when ya get up man is it ever awesome!!!!! It kinda hurts to fall but it was not to bad cause the guys were not driving fast at all which was a good thing!!!! Then in the afternoon we just kinda hung out tanned swam and that’s about it. At 5ish we started supper ever one brought meat and did it on the BBQ was a lot of fun…. Oh and guess what take a cup of coke and drop a Minto candy in it … (try this out side!!!!!) A lot of fun!!!! Got home at 10ish then we watched Cheaper by the dozen 2 with Amy and Pp.
Sunday got up when fishing came back had breakfast then cleaned up and had a Sunday reading and singing. After that we went swimming and tanning. At 2ish we had a big lunch/dinner. Really good!!!! After we ate me pP and Amy left and Jeff and me kinda packed then went for a swim then we had a storm so we left and headed on home!!!!
It was an awesome week end all in all.
Will get pictures up soon.